Monday, February 17, 2020

Answer the 2 questions from document provided. About 17 and 18 century Essay

Answer the 2 questions from document provided. About 17 and 18 century english literature - Essay Example The earlier audiences were very specialized. Who, really, would care about referring to a cup from the Thespian well Either family or close friends of Sir George Sidney or people who knew what "Thespian" meant. Likewise, in Virtue, the ordinary person can understand what the poet meant by the whole world turning to coal. A hundred years later more of the potential audience "got it." The reason that Gulliver's travels was so popular was that more people saw it as satire and not a clumsy fairy tale. The author refers to Care and Vigilance, somehow used in order to protect one's belongings from thieves. This would probably mean something to an audience in 1726 than it might have meant a century earlier. Jane Austin also developed women readers who may never have heard of Ben Jonson. The thematic change between these two centuries can also quite simplistically, be related to the boutique and department store analogies. While the early poets and writers had a limited audience (with boutique audiences looking for something fine and special) the next century produced more of a mass-product that appealed to a larger audience. John Donne's "Mistress Going to Bed" is, to use a rather unflattering word, "precious." In the middle of the Seventeenth century, thematic change can be seen in Milton, who on the other hand, creates a wide and fundamentally moral canvas with a nation that survived the rift between the new Angli

Monday, February 3, 2020

Ecological Ethics, Amber Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ecological Ethics, Amber - Essay Example tructive behavior poses a threat to the existence of species and the environment as a whole, and therefore it is obligatory that species need to be conserved simply because they were created and meant to exist (Ehrenfield,1972).However, simple intrinsic values are not considered when conservation and management strategies are designed and implemented. However, the fact is that where there is value of existence there will be ethics of conservation and this is where we get a glimpse of man’s anthropocentric approach towards conservation strategies. Species utilitarian values and ecosystem values are the core reason that drives man’s ethics of conservation. Man benefits from products and free services that natures offers and man is very much aware about the value and the effect of these products and services and hence man values biodiversity because of its mere utility (Alho,2008). On the other hand, it is also true that man values something because of aesthetic reasons. For example lions and tigers do not provide any direct service yet they are valued for the reason that they are top predators who have an aesthetic value as well. Whereas endangered animals for example the Indiana bat receives less hype simply because it has lesser impact on the people. This is where the concept of flagship species may be linked. Conservationists are aware of the values of each and every species yet they chose flagship specie such as the giant panda or tiger to symbolize conservation for the sole reason that larger animals have greater impact on the minds of